Friday, February 11, 2005
let's see if i can figure out how to post a picture. it will be a picture of my first flyer. i'm very excited about the flyer. i have decided that even if the party sucksass, i will still be totally happy with the experience because i am so pleased with the flyer. and it's not that i really think that the party has the potential for sucksass status, cuz the music is going to rock like nobody's bizness and there are going to be some amaaaazing hoopers performing [smiles sweetly], but i'm kind of feeling like the hem of a dress that's been dragged through some mud puddles today. (couldn't i please NOT BE SICK ANYMORE? i mean GEEZ. dues PAID, already.)
so i hope i see you there. and i know that even if *i* happen to be looking green-ish, wilted in a corner listlessly lifting an arm up and down in time to the bass, you will be out on the floor working out all pent-up emotions and generally having an amazing time. (did i mention that ooah's spinning? yeah, that's right. so go.)
update: the party was fantastic. newsbreakz staph did a fantastic job, and everything went smoothly. ooah and dorfex played the back room for hoooours, and i didn't leave for more than about 30 seconds. the crowd back there for them was lovely cozy yum. very few people that i didn't know--the people in there were the people who wanted to hear these boys play. had a wonderful time dancing with a new friend, satoe. also got to meet patricio, finally. i didn't do as much hooping as i'd planned, mostly since ooah and dorfex had such a long set. klara and vera and i took turns on the stage, with amy leblanc jumping in occasionally too. patricio, ian, and miranda all had hotass sets, and ooah scratched over them for most of the night. towards morning i went out to my car with a friend to chill for a few bit, and when i came back inside the place was empty except for jason, ian, miranda, kitty, pia, and i. danced about in an empty mighty, savoring the yays of the evening, then wandered out into the night with everyone feeling very purrrrish...